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Dominic, the incredible sport watching baby

One year ago today I published the first Slice Of Sport blog. My magnum opus - the big three-part one with all the test cricket aggregates - benefited from my wife Naomi's sudden appetite for the task of converting my spreadsheets into visibly digestible data. It's said that this urge to arrange items neatly - 'nesting' - is a typical indicator that a pregnant woman is about to go into labour. This was certainly true in Naomi's case, because, also one year ago today, our son Dominic was born.

Eight days later, we took him to watch Naomi's social netball team play in Richmond, and our infant boy's sport-watching odyssey began. Aged one month he graduated to the pros when we took him to AAMI Park to watch Melbourne Rebels play Super Rugby. Since then he's kept racking up the experiences, always taking advantage of the fact that babes in arms don't need a ticket.

Unlike the perfect parents of online fame who faithfully document every moment of their children's lives in video form, I've failed to keep track properly of all Dominic's sport watching exploits, but I'm confident that he has attended over 40 sporting events in at least 9 different sports. Many adults who hear this assert that he's already seen more sport than they have in their entire lives.

Fortunately, you don't want a detailed account of every event, with evidential data in spreadsheet form. I've been a father long enough to know that what people want are photos of the child, and that's what you're going to get here. Again, it's not a comprehensive collection - sometimes just surviving a night at the game with him is hard enough without taking pictures - but it should give you an idea of the fun we've had, sharing my sporting passion with him. Happy birthday son.

Two notes:

1. I recommend you come back for another look in a couple of weeks, when Naomi has once again applied aesthetic competence to my extremely raw output, but I had to get something out today.

2. Sometimes, there's toast. If you don't already understand the toast, you probably never will.


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